As you go to the next level in Clash of Clans, you get some new features. For examples, when you get to town hall 9, you get an Elixir drill using which you can drill elixirs without having to raid. Also, you get more defenses as you go into your new town hall. When you go to the 6th level, your town hall changes a bit and you get golden pillars on the side of your town hall. Also, there are vines covering the pillars. There is a lot to discuss about COC Builder Base TH6 so let us begin!

Also See: COC Builder Base TH7

Th 6 Features:

To get into the 6th town hall, you need to have 25,000 XP. You will get new buildings in this town hall and your total will be 6. You will get a gold collector and an elixir collector. There is also a new defense in this town hall which is the giant bomb. Along with that, you also get one more wizard tower and 25 more walls.

Walls are a great way to protect your village from invaders. Since the walls have a high hit point, they are very hard to overcome by the enemy. So, if you want to keep the village protected from the enemy clans, you will need walls. Also, you get 2 spring traps that are a good way of trapping your enemies if they get in.

You need to keep your town hall safe because once you lose it; the enemy will get a star. For this, find inspiration on the Internet to get the best defense strategy for your village. Other clans will try to invade your village and you need to team up with other players to form a clan and protect your village. So, the game gets really interesting as you move up levels. You will enjoy more if your defenses are strong

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