If you love playing Clash of Clans and want to progress quickly in it then you can use different tricks to get on the top. Playing with just one account could take months or even years to reach the top. Plus, when you have just one account, your world of COC is very limited. However, when you get to make multiple accounts for the game, your options start getting widened. For instance, you can share items if you have your own multiple accounts. Whenever you get some extra stuff or needed to store things, you can do that on your other account. Hence, there are a lot of advantages which you can enjoy while you have multiple accounts in Clash of Clans.
Although having multiple account is beneficial, it is also true that it takes a lot of time to create new accounts and then play on them separately. It takes even more of your time while you make all the stuff that you need in the game. So, what do you do then? Well, you can keep in mind that there are always people who are willing to sell their accounts. There are thousands of people who have spent years on this game and have built great armies and resources. Now if you have enough money so that you can contact these people and buy these accounts from them, this will be one of the best options to get multiple accounts. Since you are willing to buy the accounts, let us tell you now where you can find such accounts.
Where to find Clash of Clans Accounts for Sale?
Here are few locations where you can find Clash of Clans accounts for sale and if you negotiate in a good way, you can get a good price as well.
You must have a lot of friends around you who have been playing this game for years. Now there could be a good chance if one of them wants to stop playing and you can contact him and see if he wants to sell you his account. Also, you must have been playing in different clans for all this time and if you look, you may also find people around you in those clans who might be willing to sell their account.
Another option of finding these accounts for sale are the www.playerauctions.com. You can make your account there and post a thread. You can also post threads on other gaming website in order to find yourself a good account for sale. So, these were few places and benefits of getting multiple accounts. Keep visiting our website if you are looking for more Clash of Clans stuff and you find us helpful.
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